‘Global Family on Kingdom Mission’
This is KNGDM Alliance.
KNGDM Alliance is a family of churches and ministries and their leaders that come together in agreement, and work together to win back ground for the Kingdom of God. KNGDM Alliance is a global family that is committed to reach the world with the Gospel of the Kingdom, and to demonstrate this through bringing Jew and non-Jew together as one new humanity under one name, the name of Jesus / Yeshua. Since we’re family, we’d love to connect with you at our online family gatherings or in-person conferences.
“And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14 NLT)
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KNGDM Alliance is a family of churches and ministries that is committed to sharing the Good News of the King and his Kingdom to all nations. Why? Because we are longing for the return of our King, who will bring justice and righteousness to a world that so desperately needs it.
Global family on Kingdom mission
KNGDM Alliance is a global family on Kingdom mission. The center of our message is the gospel of the Kingdom – good news about the King and his Kingdom. This message is the organizing force behind everything we believe and do. It’s the gospel that John the Baptist preached. It’s the gospel that Jesus himself preached. It’s the gospel that the apostle Paul and all the other apostles preached. And it’s the gospel we are called to preach – and demonstrate!
The Gospel of the Kingdom is radical
The gospel of the Kingdom is a radical message that calls for our allegiance to Christ the King, over and against every other allegiance we may have in our lives. It’s a subversive message that puts the evil principalities and powers on notice that their grip on this world has come to an end because Jesus the King will return soon to take full control of what is rightfully his.
Sounds like something you want to be a part of?
We would love to get to know you better, fill out the form below!