KNGDM Alliance is called to be
a catalytic movement that gives a clarion call
to the whole body of Messiah,
consisting of Messianic Jewish
and gentile believers from all nations,
to unite as one new man.


KNGDM Alliance’s vision is to be an apostolically led,
vibrant global family of congregations,
ministries and leaders, that come together
for worship, prayer and sound teaching,
equipping them to bring in a Kingdom harvest.

This is the alliance.

KNGDM Alliance started in the beginning of 2022 when a group of ministers from all over the world got together around a common passion and goal: getting the Gospel of the Kingdom out into the whole world, with a special focus on our “older brother,” Israel. It’s our desire to globally connect churches, ministries and leaders that have similar Kingdom vision and values into a true global Kingdom family.

“…got together around a common passion and goal: getting the Gospel of the Kingdom out into the whole world”

When the disciples asked Jesus after his resurrection if then was the time that he would restore the Kingdom to Israel, his answer was: “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8 BSB).

+ The Global Team

So who is on the team at KNGDM Alliance? We have a global team consisting of strategic leaders from all over the world, a small board and a staff. The global team consists of  

Robert Baxter

(Assemblée Chrétienne du Bon Berger, Paris, France) 

Jacques van Bommel

(Reaching a Generation / Celebration Church Mokopane, South Africa)

Dixon Changara

(Celebration Church Zimbabwe)

Simon Hemsley

(His Church, Durban, South Africa)

Sebastiaan van Wessem

(Celebration Church Netherlands)

Nate Wilbur

(Celebration Church Jacksonville, USA)

Paul Wilbur

(Wilbur Ministries, USA)

John Wyatt

(Celebration Church Jacksonville, USA)

+ Our board (US)

In the US, we are in the process of setting up a 501(c)(3) corporation. As we go through this process, your donations are already tax deductible. Our board consists of:

Nathan Wilbur

(Executive Director / President)

Erik VanderKolk


John Wyatt


Sebastiaan van Wessem


+ Our board (Netherlands)

In the Netherlands we are set up as a “stichting” (foundation) form and offer ANBI tax benefits. Our board consists of:

Sebastiaan van Wessem


Arjan Hogebrug


Johan Offereins


+ Our staff

Our amazing staff, who make everything work, consists of:

Selina Rebel


Erik van der Kolk

(United States)

Vicki Kosmala


“The center of our message is the gospel of the Kingdom – good news about the King and his Kingdom. This message is the organizing force behind everything we believe and do.”


All of KNGDM Alliance’s values flow out of our central message: the gospel of the Kingdom – good news about the King and his Kingdom. Click to unfold.

  • These are the values we hold to:


    The Bible is the Word of God, and it’s one whole story from Genesis to Revelation (2Tim.3:16).


    There is more to reality than what the eye can see. We’re committed to discovering the unseen realm in a way that’s based on scripture – both old and new testament (Gen.3,6,11; Deut.32:8-9; Ps.82; Eph.6:12). We’re also committed to live supernatural lives as seen in the spiritual gifts, prayer, worship and spiritual warfare.


    God is calling every single believer to be a priest, representing him to the world, but starting in our homes, in our families (1Pet.2:5,9).


    God is calling both believers in Christ from a Jewish background or from a Gentile background into one new man. Understanding the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith is pivotal. At the same time, Jews can remain true to their Jewish heritage, and Gentiles don’t need to become Jewish (Eph.2:11-22).


    As the new humanity, we’re all equals in Jesus, regardless of gender, age, or race (Gal.3:28; Col.3:11; Joel 2:28-29)


    God’s ultimate goal is for humanity to experience the wholeness it enjoyed before the fall, emotionally, spiritually and relationally. We can already experience a foretaste of that in the here and now in our lives and families (Ps.29:11; John 10:10; 3John 12; Rev.21:3-4).


    We believe that as the world gets darker and darker, God’s heart is to usher in revival around the world, working through local churches as colonies of the Kingdom (Matt.5:15-16).


    God is calling the church to be his bride, without spot or wrinkle. The ekklesia is “called out” of a dark world and is called to be separate from the world’s ways and the world’s systems. Therefore, he is restoring the church to its original intent, following the original patterns for church life and ministry (Eph.5:27; 1Pet.2:9; Acts 2:41-47).


    The church as God intended it to be is called to serve and stand up for the poor, the hurting and the downtrodden. We’re inspiring churches to fulfill this calling and offer practical avenues to make this happen (Isa.58).


    A local church is a family, therefore we believe that it consists of multiple generations encouraging and equipping each other (Deut.6:7,20-25; Joel 2:28; 1Tim.4:12; 1Pet.5:5; 1John 2:12-14).


    The church will only truly thrive in our day when all believers are equipped for works of ministry. To make that happen, the whole fivefold ministry needs to be released and stewarded (Eph.4:7-14).


    We believe that according to scripture marriage is reserved for relationships between one man and one woman, and sexuality belongs within the safety of a monogamous male-female marriage relationship (Gen.2:24,5:2; Heb.13:4).


    Through sacraments such as communion and water baptism, and other demonstrations such as prayer, bible reading, tithing, etc., we declare loyalty to Jesus as our King, and disavow loyalty to satan, the corrupt world system and sin. we show on whose side we are on, in the spiritual war that rages around us (Matt.28:18-20; 1Cor.11:23-26).

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