Let’s prepare for the coming Kingdom together!

KNGDM Alliance’s mission is funded through generous donations of our partners, as well as donations and grants from other individuals and organizations who support our mission. We appreciate your financial partnership as we move the Gospel of the Kingdom forward to both Jews and gentiles globally.

We need your support!

KNGDM Alliance can only fulfill its mission with your financial support. Thank you so much for your generosity as we await the returning King!

Please note that donations made via this form or the button underneath are processed by Stichting KNGM Alliance in the Netherlands, according to Dutch rules and regulations for non-profits. Stichting KNGDM Alliance has an ANBI-status for tax-deductible giving. We are working on tax-deductible options from the US. By using the “Give” button you can also give from other nations. The required documentation to maintain our Dutch ANBI-status can be found below on this page.

How to give?

  • If you live in the USA, your giving to KNGDM Alliance is tax-deductible because we have a 501(c)(3) status. At the moment we are in the process of setting up our bank account. In the meanwhile you can give by using the information you can find under the header “Give from other countries.”

    If you have any questions, please e-mail: uspartners@kngdmalliance.org

  • If you live in the Netherlands, your giving to KNGDM Alliance is tax-deductible because of our ANBI-status (RSIN: 863321902). Please make sure to put one of these options in the note section of your transfer:

    • General Fund, or:
    • KNGDM Alliance staff support

    You can give through the form or button below, or wire transfer your donations straight to our bank account: NL38 INGB 0675 1112 85 (account holder is Stichting KNGDM Alliance).

    Stichting KNGDM Alliance

    Neuweg 148
    1214 HA Hilversum
    The Netherlands
    KvK number (Dutch Chamber of Commerce): 84699914

    Bank account: 

    NL38 INGB 0675 1112 85
    Account holder: Stichting KNGDM Alliance

  • If you do not live in the US or in the Netherlands, we do not have tax deductible giving options available yet. You can, however, give to our Netherlands office, either through an electronic wire transfer, or by using your credit card.

    Please make sure to put one of these options in the note section of your transfer:

    • General Fund, or:
    • KNGDM Alliance staff support

    This is the international banking info for our Netherlands KNGDM Alliance office:

    Stichting KNGDM Alliance
    Neuweg 148
    1214 HA Hilversum
    The Netherlands

    Bank account: NL38 INGB 0675 1112 85

    Account holder: Stichting KNGDM Alliance

    Bank address:
    ING Bank N.V. Foreign Operations
    PO Box 1800
    1000 BV Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

    SWIFT / BIC code: INGBNL2A

    If you want to give by using your credit card, please use this form.

Tax-exempt status

  • If you pay income taxes in the Netherlands, all your donations to our Dutch entity, Stichting KNGDM Alliance, can be deducted from your income tax. Stichting KNGDM Alliance has been a registered non-profit ANBI-entity since December 2024, 2021. Our RSIN is 863321902.

    Fundraising, as well as our activities, only fully got started in 2023, so that’s why we only present our financial report of 2022/2023 here. These are the official documents required to maintain our Dutch non-profit ANBI-status: